With the use of barbed wire I look to depict experiences not only of my own, but those of my parents. The barbed wire serves as a symbol for the immigration system and the containment of that identity. Barbed wire is used throughout my work as a means to abruptly bring forth the realities of being Mexican-American. The barbed wire series speaks more closely to my childhood and the relationship with my parents. By laboriously  hand-making the barbed wire, I aim to explore the balance between a rough yet pacified reality. 
Mom and Dad

Wire, mop, hammer and acrylic 
The instinct to survive 
Wire, rope, paper-mache and acrylic
The greener grass 
Steel, bristles and wire 
We’ll make it through 
Wire, rope and paper-mache
Safety barbed wire 
Wire and acrylic 
Paper-mache and wire 
Barbed Wire

Barbed Wire


Creative Fields